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Welcome to the Internet Book of Critical Care's podcast. Josh Farkas and Adam Thomas provide a summary of each chapter for your listening.


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Oct 31, 2018

Is your patient's low hemoglobin got you down? We've got you covered then. Come take a listen for all things related to diagnosis, transfusion targets and special populations. This one is sure to be a treat for halloween.

Oct 25, 2018

In this episode, we summarize the sometimes intimidating topic of pancreatitis. We've got your education needs covered when it comes to identification, workup and treatment of this common presentation.

Oct 17, 2018

Join your regular hosts in exploring all things cardiogenic shock. Warm & Dry to Cold and Wet. We've got an approach strategy for you.

Oct 10, 2018

Welcome to the 6th podcast, it will not disappoint. Hypoglycemia is something you MUST know cold. So grab a coffee, and give this one a listen.

Oct 3, 2018

Bradycardia can be scary. Especially when your cardiac output is being pulled down by that slow rate. Take a listen to hone your resuscitation skills in the electrical and medical arms of the bradycardia treatment.