Nov 28, 2018
In this episode we tackle the identification & treatment of central nervous system infections, aka badness. You'll be equipped with a standard treatment regime for your patients with meningitis or that brain-melting encephalitis.
Nov 21, 2018
Do those squiggly lines on the ECG monitor have you patient down in the hypotensive dumps? Don't know what to do? Well we have you covered. Identification, common causes and treatment of TDP can all be found in this one podcast.
Nov 14, 2018
Whether its your first day seeing patients, or your last, you need to have a solid approach to hyperK. Come check out the cast for all things hyperkalemic bombs, and a plea to STOP the madness with kayexalate.
Nov 7, 2018
We've got you covered for identifying, evaluating and treating this all to common (and sometimes missed) syndrome. Take a listen, and go to the post to discuss the controversies of atypical antipsychotics, regular use of melatonin, and the elixir of the gods (dexmedetomidine).