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Welcome to the Internet Book of Critical Care's podcast. Josh Farkas and Adam Thomas provide a summary of each chapter for your listening.


Check out the main page here and please direct your comments on that page. Tweet at us @iBookCC

Or go to  iTunes

Aug 29, 2019

In this episode, we cover all the big hits for anticoagulant management in your bleeding patients.



-Anti platelets 

-Heparin and LMWH

-And More!

Aug 22, 2019

In this episode, we cover all things you need to know cold when your patient's cells are bursting all over the place. 

-Life threatening Hyperkalemia

- Purine Nucleotide Management



Aug 15, 2019

In this episode, we take a break from controversial subjects and cover all thing magnesium related for critical care.


Come take a listen for diagnosis, identification, and treatment of low and high levels of magnesium.

Aug 8, 2019

Here it is, a total beast of a podcast. We cover one specific approach to patients in septic shock. We highlight all the must-know aspects:

-patient identification and risk stratification



-The Metabolic Resuscitation Protocol


We even re-leak the CITRIS-ALI trial for you... its going to...

Aug 1, 2019

In this episode we cover the simultaneous approach of sorting out the airway from hell, and treating both the histamine and bradykinin induced angioedema. We even snuck some novel use of TXA into the post!