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Welcome to the Internet Book of Critical Care's podcast. Josh Farkas and Adam Thomas provide a summary of each chapter for your listening.


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Feb 20, 2020

In this episode, we cover a core component of any resuscitationists tool kit: vasoactive agents.

We've got your vasopressors, your inodilators, your inopressors, you oral cheat code and some hail merry approaches. Come listen for all things pressure and flow.

Feb 17, 2020

In this episode, we cover one of those cardinal causes of vasodilatory shock; anaphylaxis.

Come listen to solidify your clinical diagnosis, and domination of all things epinephrine.

Feb 10, 2020

In this episode we cover that rapidly progressive, big stakes entity that is Status epilepticus - the unrelenting seizure. Definition, Big Benzoes and where to go after that first line. Come listen for all things Keppra, Propofol and Ketamine.