Jun 29, 2020
In this episode, we cover ICU level Pneumocystic Jirovicii Pneumonia (previously known as Pneumocystic Carinii Pneumonia).
Suggested approach:
HIV +(ve) vs HIV -(ve)
Invasive vs Non invasive diagnostic strategy
Treatment w. Septra vs other line therapies
Jun 22, 2020
In this episode, we cover the lesser of evil stridor aetiologies: Vocal cord dysfunction, a.k.a paradoxical vocal cord motion, a.k.a Paradoxical Vocal Fold Movement. Read the post, then listen to review approach, diagnostic modalities (fibre-optic visualization, CT scan to rule out other entities) and treatment.
Jun 15, 2020
Come get acquinted with the two forms: angioinvasive (think neutropenia) vs bronchoinvasive (the not so immunosuppressed). Don't forget to add this to your Ddx for nosocomial post-influenza & COVID-19.
Jun 8, 2020
In this episode we cover the often overlooked entity that is re-feeding syndrome.
High Risk populations
Signs & Symptoms
Insulin mediated edema, and more
Jun 1, 2020
In this episode, we cover the presentation, clinical signs / symptoms and workup of takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Come take a listen so you'll never miss that octopus-trap of a clinical confounder, with juicy pearls around LVOT obstruction.